Nest Member Feature - Colette Bischer-Choate

Colette with her husband Berkeley Choate

Tell us about yourself, Colette.

Hi.  I'm Colette Bischer-Choate, a regular yogi here at Nest.  Born and raised in Fremont, I moved to NYC in the mid-70s, a vibrant time for the arts there.   I danced for most of my life, as a child, professionally and then as a teacher for many years.  About 20 years ago I was called to study yoga and got quickly hooked.  It felt like 'church' without the dogma.  And being in my body has always made sense.  I became a psychotherapist around that same time as I found yoga and moving mindfully fit in.  A good pairing indeed.

What is your all time favorite movie, book, song or artist/artwork?

"Diva" is probably my favorite movie.  I read continuously, and choosing a favorite isn't even possible.  I played violin and cello earlier in my life, so I'm drawn to classical music, though not any particular piece.  Maybe Mozart if I had to choose.

What do you love the most about practicing yoga?

I love so many things about practicing yoga!  I love being in my body, in community with others.  Being intensely focused internally, yet aware that we're all doing this together.

What is your favorite yoga pose?

Ardashandrasana (Half Moon)

With yoga friend Julie in Mexico

What is your least favorite yoga pose?

Most arm balancing poses!

What is your favorite place to visit OR a place you'd like to go someday?

I love a spot in Italy near the Umbria/Tuscany border where I spent a week at a silent yoga retreat.  It was heavenly!

What is your favorite quote, or your favorite piece of advice?

My dad's advice was to "trust everyone until they prove themselves otherwise."  I have followed that, for the most part, and it has worked well.

What else would you like our community to know about you?

I appreciate this community so much, for its warmth, consistency and support of each other.

With Nate, the great grandchild of Colette’s cousin!