Fall IN: Hone Your Practice with Annie this Fall - A Four Part Series

Fall IN!

Hone your Practice with Annie this Fall.

Join Annie once a month to dig in deep and fine tune your practice.

Each month on a Saturday afternoon we’ll gather and dissect, analyze, prop and modify our beloved practices making them whole and thoroughly our own.

Saturday, September 21, 1-4 PM: Happy Hips

This essential work makes our poses deeper and lives easier. Standing, seated and balance poses will be keenly explored.

Saturday, October 19, 1-4 PM: Shoulders— Strong and Free

Push and Pull, Hug in and Let go! We’ll move our arms and shoulder girdle in all the directions while we stabilize the core for necessary and ongoing support.

Friday, November 29, 11 AM -2 PM: Elegant Spine

The paramount focus of Asana practice, we’ll lengthen and balance the spine in all 3 planes for freedom of motion and flow of Prana.

Saturday, December 21, 1-4 PM: Active Restoratives

Our final gathering will be the ultimate in BOTH-ing! Lots of props -- not for draping over — but for sustaining our effort and attention. Good Hard Fun.

This series is designed for experienced practitioners who want to fine tune their practice and learn smart modifications for deepening and supporting essential poses. Teachers are welcome too— for your own practice and to learn new modifications for specific needs.

Join the full series for $275. Individual sessions are $80.

Available In Person, via Livestream and Recorded for 30 day access.

*All payments are non-refundable within 10 days of session start date, but may be applied as Nest Yoga credit towards a future training or workshop.