Winter Wind Down Series

with DeShauna & Dyamen

Fridays: November 1, 8, 15 and 22

6:30PM-7:30PM | In Person

$110 for the series

$35 single class

Join us for a yoga series to decompress the weight of your week and prepare for the transition into the cooler months. As the seasons shift and days become shorter, this Wind Down series will provide different formats to ease your busy body and mind into rest. According to Ayurveda, the Fall months can be windy, dry and cool - to balance that shift, it's advised to delve in to a quiet essence of being and savor simplicity and groundedness.

This series is intentionally designed to wind down from one week to the next. The focus of each week is as follows:

Week 1: Vinyasa Flow 

Week 2: Flow & Restore

Week 3: Restore & Sound Bath

Week 4: Nidra or Guided Meditation & Sound Bath