THANKSGIVING DAY YOGA - A Benefit for Piedmont Yoga Community

Richard Rosen, 1972, in West Berlin, at the 287th MP Company, Berlin Brigade

Thursday, November 28th

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

with Richard Rosen

by Donation or use your class package

As the name of the holiday suggests, Thanksgiving is the day we take the time to give thanks for all the good things in our lives, including our yoga practice. Just as we traditionally gather together on this day with family and friends and share a sumptuous meal, we’ll do the same with fellow students to share a sumptuous class. And just as there are many dishes on the table to choose from, this class will lay out a tasty spread of asanas, standing, sitting, bending in all directions, and of course, reclining at the end to digest the meal. In celebration of the day’s customary centerpiece, expect lots of bird poses (except, I’m sorry to say, for Turkey).

Piedmont Yoga Community’s mission is: To make yoga accessible to people with disabilities and chronic conditions in a safe environment. Join us to support PYC and their students.