Staff Spotlight: Christie Pitko

Nest Staff Spotlight is our way to show appreciation to our teachers and to help our community connect. This week on Nest Staff Spotlight we learn a little more about Christie Pitko. Christie is one of our newer teachers at Nest, but has been a long time substitute teacher and student. She has completed over 600 hours of teacher trainings including Advanced SmartFlow, SUP, prenatal and reiki. Read more to learn about Christie!

Tell us about yourself. Anything you want the Nest Community to know. 

I’m so grateful to be a part of this community and to share what my teachers have shared with me! Yoga and meditation have shaped my life in profound ways. I love teaching others, and looking forward to meeting more and more members of Nest.

How do you want people to remember you? 

As a kind, yet strong person.

What style of yoga do you teach? Why did you choose this method or style?

Vinyasa. My vinyasa classes have a very strong SmartFlow influence. SmartFlow has made me stronger, more aware, and I feel that I can stay with this method for many years to come. 

What is your least favorite yoga pose? Favorite yoga pose?

Least favorite is Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) without the chair, bolster, and blanket. Favorite is a tie between Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I), Uttitha Trikonasana (Triangle), and Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon)

What does your perfect breakfast look like? 

Coffee (preferably a mocha) and a freshly baked croissant.

What would you like the community to know about your classes, teaching style or you? 

Hosting yoga retreats is one my passions. I do the planning, the admin, and the teaching for these trips. I host 4-6 each year in California, Costa Rica, and Mexico. I love to connect with students on a much deeper level, as well as bond with them in a beautiful location. In 2020 I will be leading my 20th retreat!

Do you have any family or friend traditions you look forward to every year? 

Any time I get to travel with friends to a new location.

What is your favorite book/movie/tv show/podcast?

I read “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert when I feel like I need a push. Really, I love anything by her.

How did you find yoga?

I discovered yoga in my early 20s as a strong workout. Later, when I lived in Las Vegas, I found a really special studio that opened my eyes to what yoga really was. Though that studio closed years ago, the impression it left on me was huge.

Fast forward to now, nearly 20 years later and I am growing so very much as both a practitioner and instructor thanks to my teachers Annie Carpenter and Richard Rosen.

Christie teaches Gentle Yoga every Monday at 8:45 am and Alignment Flow every Sunday at 6:00 pm. You can also catch Christie subbing a variety of classes at Nest!

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