Staff Spotlight: Reba Gray

Nest Staff Spotlight allows fellow teachers, staff members and our yogis the opportunity to delve into the life of a selected community member. We hope this gives everyone a chance to learn more about our teachers and staff.

Reba moved to Boston after spending time in Mali with the Peace Corps. She discovered yoga in 2002 while searching for community. She practiced and trained for 8 years before being moving across country to Oakland. Reba expanded her yoga knowledge, completing trainings in SmartFlow with Annie Carpenter, yoga for traumatic brain injuries and yin yoga. Learn more about Reba below!

What style of yoga do you teach? Why did you choose this method or style? 

For group classes, vinyasa. It helps me to shake the dust off, then find restoratives and stillness at the end. With private clients I teach more hatha style and sneak in personal training/work with weights, etc. I’ve also studied a little yin yoga and love kundalini.

What are three things still left on your bucket list? 

Drive on the Autobahn, scuba in the Red Sea, and get back to Mali to visit people I met in the Peace Corps 20 years ago.

When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? 

A few weeks ago, with my cousin, who thought I was describing the mandolin instrument, when I was miming a mandoline kitchen slicer. You had to be there.

What are you currently reading, watching or listening to? 

Re-reading The Untethered Soul, listening to yoga podcast Food Sex Money Water, watching view of the bay out my window, sunrises and sunsets.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What did you want to be when you grew up?

I just wanted to travel and learn. I was not a ‘good’ student, I prefer learning about things experientially.

What is the scariest thing you've ever done for fun?

Jumped off the top of a dam. So much fun. (It wasn’t a huge one or anything.)

If you were to describe yourself as a sandwich, which would you be?


Reba teaches vinyasa at Nest Yoga. Flow with breath to movement and build heat every Sunday morning at 9:30 am! Learn more about Reba by visiting or on Instagram @yogawithreba.