Staff Spotlight: Odisa Walker

We have welcomed a few new teachers to our team during shelter in place, some you may be familiar with and a few may be new faces. Getting to know an instructor during regular yoga class sessions can be challenging, even more during Zoom yoga sessions. Nest Staff Spotlight allows fellow teachers, staff members and our yogis the opportunity to delve into the life of a selected community member. We hope this gives everyone a chance to learn more about our teachers and staff. We are elated to have Odisa Walker join the Nest team! Read more about her below.

Tell us about yourself. Anything you want people to know.

I am a teacher. Even as a young child my dream was to be a teacher. I graduated from college, received my teaching credential and started teaching fourth grade. It was a dream come true. I have four children between the ages of 12 and 24. My husband and I have been married for 29 years! My dad lives with me, three of my children, my husband and my three dogs. Teaching yoga since 2003 has replaced teaching in schools and feels like an extension of my dream to be a teacher.

When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?

Well, I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard I cried but what came to mind was a memorable time. This story goes back about 27 years, I was just a couple years into being married and so, so young. I was packing up to move across the country and I came upon my favorite childhood stuffed animal, a dog named Bubbles. Well, Bubbles was not looking too good and I was sort of laughing about it with my husband and when I pulled on one of Bubble’s ears it fell off of him. I started laughing and the laughing turned a little hysterical and then all of a sudden I was crying. My childhood flashed before my eyes and the reality of moving across the country, not being a child anymore and leaving my family behind was just too much. I scared myself and my young husband as we went from laughing to all of a sudden me crying with him still laughing. Good news is we made it cross country several times and Bubbles is still around as is my husband.

What is your favorite book/movie/tv show/podcast?

My current favorite podcast is The Breakdown by Shaun King. My 12 year old daughter and I (sometimes my 17 year old son too) have been listening to it together. It’s one way that I’m trying to stay informed and educated so I can take action. Also, listening to it with my daughter and knowing that she is hearing about the injustices and the things that we need to change in this country feels important. She knows she is safe and protected in our home but she also needs to be aware of the injustice and inequality in our country.

What would you like the community to know about your classes, teaching style or you?

I love what I do. I love teaching yoga and I believe in its power to heal body, mind and spirit. I believe in the power of movement, in the power of our breath and when we link the breath and movement it is like a super power. I teach a breath centered practice that I want to be accessible to every body. I want the student to feel connected to their breath and their body when they practice. I want students to feel grounded, calm and complete just as they are after taking class.

What’s a typical day like for you?

A typical day has me checking in with each person and animal in my house. Everyone gets a little piece of me including myself. I walk my dogs several times a day and on these walks I often have either my dad, my husband, or my youngest daughter with me and sometimes all at once. I teach and I practice yoga in the mornings and that has been such a grounding force during SIP. I try to spend time doing nothing every day, to put down my phone, my computer, my tablet and just sit outside and enjoy the beauty around me. 

What is your least favorite yoga pose? Favorite yoga pose? Why?

I honestly don’t think in terms of favorite or least favorite but for the sake of this questionnaire I will choose. My ‘least favorite’ yoga pose is probably shoulder stand. I rarely do it because it just hasn’t felt good in a long time. Today as I’m writing this headstand feels like my favorite pose. I feel powerful, stable and strong when I am in a headstand. I don’t do a headstand every day, I don’t feel like I need to but I love it.

What do you love most about your hometown?

I was born in Los Angeles, California and love the memories of my childhood that are attached to so many places there. It is the place that I picture my mother's spirit fluttering, flying and dancing.

How did you find yoga?

My dad taught me about yoga as a young child. He was a dedicated practitioner and even taught way back in the seventies before there were teacher certifications. 

What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

I want to spend more time doing nothing. I feel like I could spend my whole life chasing after the next accomplishment, and the more, more, more mentality of our culture. I want to do less and be happy with what is.

Odisa teaches Vinyasa every Monday at 12 pm! This class is all levels. Follow her on Instagram @odisawalker or visit to learn more!