Staff Spotlight: Natalie Lamb

Nest Staff Spotlight allows fellow teachers, staff members and our yogis the opportunity to delve into the life of a selected community member. We hope this gives everyone a chance to learn more about our teachers and staff.

This week we are featuring our newest Yoga Associate, Natalie! Natalie joined us a couple week before shelter-in-place began. Between classes to become a nurse and her other job, Megan checks in classes through Zoom and works on Nest projects. Many of you have become acquainted with Natalie over Zoom. She is a bright addition to the Nest Yoga team!

Tell us about yourself. Anything you want people to know. 

I recently moved to Oakland and am a newer employee at Nest Yoga. I have felt overjoyed with how welcoming the team and community has been. I am excited to continue my work and practice at a yoga studio that shows so much love! 

What is your role at Nest Yoga?

Yoga associate 

What is your favorite book/movie/tv show/podcast?

My current favorite book is The Secret Power of Yoga,  my favorite TV show is Survivor, and recently I’ve been listening to the podcast Oprah Super Soul Conversations. Although I always enjoy indulging in some crime podcasts, too.

4Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What did you want to be when you grow up?

I have always been passionate about working with animals

If you had your own talk show, who would be your first three guests?

Anyone from past or present? Obama, Bob Dylan and Maya Angelou for starters...

What are three things still left on your bucket list?

Visit all national parks in the United States 

Hike machu picchu 

Learn to hold my handstand 

What is your least favorite yoga pose? Favorite yoga pose? Why?

My least favorite pose is Natarajasana (dancer pose); I’ve always found it a little uncomfortable. My favorite is virabhadrasana (warrior two), which makes me feel very grounded.

What do you love most about your hometown?

It’s so full of nature and my family is there. 

What’s the craziest fashion trend you ever rocked?

Pj’s in public were my go-to. 

What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

I’d really like to dive even deeper into my yoga practice and begin meditating everyday.

What hobby would be a lot of fun to get into?

I love getting active outside so maybe rock climbing and/or surfing. 

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

I loved traveling through Spain. The warm, easy-going lifestyle and culture, colorful towns and villages, and the never-endless paella are just some of the things that stole my heart when traveling through this beautiful country. 

What is the scariest thing you've ever done for fun?

I went on a jungle walk through the Nepali jungle where we saw wild rhinos and pythons and many more animals that looked hungry.