Staff Spotlight: Bekah Andrew

Nest Staff Spotlight allows fellow teachers, staff members and our yogis the opportunity to delve into the life of a selected community member. We hope this gives everyone a chance to learn more about our teachers and staff.

So much occurs behind the scenes to keep our wonderful community thriving! Staff members design newsletters and Instagram content, troubleshoot errors, manage the schedule and organize community programs! One of our behind-the-scenes yogi’s is Bekah Andrew, Nest Program Manager. Many of you know Bekah from her time at other studios including You & and the Mat. Her yoga teaching career began in 2011, completing over 500 hours in trainings. Bekah’s vinyasa classes incorporate unique sequencing and dynamic flow with music. Read her interview below to learn more about Bekah!

Tell us about yourself. Anything you want the Nest community to know. 

I am a yoga teacher, rock climber and animal lover! I have three cats, Stuart, Buckets and Numa who I utterly adore. My husband is the coolest ever and you can catch us climbing, signing to our cats, and geeking out on anything Star Wars.

Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?

I am currently painting all of my own kitchenware with intricate mandala designs!

(Check our Instagram to see her plates!)

What are three things still left on your bucket list?

Making a documentary about wolves

Going on an African Safari

Moving to France 

When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? 

Basically anytime I am with Nick’s youngest sister Katherine Andrew, she is hilarious and just gets me.

What are you currently reading, watching or listening to?

Wow, great question, so many things!

Currently reading Ninemile Wolves 

Just finished listening to Jurassic Park on our roadtrip to Yellowstone

Rewatching the whole Modern Family series

What do you do with friends/family in your spare time?

Mostly climbing and camping.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Dolphin Trainer ;)

If you were to describe yourself as a sandwich, which would you be? 

Sabich Pita from Saul’s!

If you had one day to live over again, what would you pick?

Christmas Day 2020 - Nick and I spent Christmas in Las Vegas and climbed at Red Rocks National Park which was so much freaking fun, but also suuuuuper cold! After we went back to our hotel and had a fancy dinner at the rooftop restaurant and then went and saw Star Wars episode 9 for the 9th time ;)

What style of yoga do you teach? Why did you choose this method or style?

I teach vinyasa because I love the effect a faster moving practice has on my body and mind. It consistently eases my mind, connects me with my body and makes me feel strong.

What is the scariest thing you've ever done for fun?

A multi-pitch climb! It's basically stacking multiple climbs into one taking you VERY high up! It requires a lot of knowledge and mental fortitude. Fellow yoga teacher @wanderignvayu took me up my first multi-pitch and she was the perfect teacher and partner for this endeavor… we got up 300ft!

Bekah does not have a regular class on our schedule but does host pop up classes. Follow her on instagram @benditwithbekahor visit her website to read more about Breath&Beats, a live yoga class with a DJ!