Period Power: Making peace with your period

Do you dread ‘that time of the month’? Do you ever feel like you are out of commission for a week every month because of your period? Are you tired of your period symptoms controlling your life?!

This was me six years ago. I would PMS for a solid 7-10 days, then be in bed with debilitating cramps for three more days. I hated my period and dreaded its arrival every month. One day, while wishing I felt like myself, I realized that if my period symptoms lasted for two weeks and there were four weeks in a month, then half of my life was spent not feeling like myself. I decided that I needed to learn about my cycle and support my hormones better.

I started researching cycle syncing and learned that women’s hormones change drastically throughout the month. When female hormones are imbalanced, we suffer from all sorts of ailments such as PMS, cramping, mood swings, aches, migraines, UTIs, vaginal infections - basically any recurring female issue can be linked to a hormonal imbalance. What a relief! There was finally a reason and a solution for all my suffering!

I immediately started implementing my discoveries and noticed significant changes in my life. For instance, I use to get a UTI every month right before my period. I learned that hormones are at their lowest during the menstrual (bleeding) phase which makes the vagina more susceptible to infections. Another example my partner reflected back to me is how I use to make him cry every month during my luteal (PMS) phase only to come back crying and apologizing a few days later during my menstrual phase. I can’t be alone in this sentiment, right?! Luckily, through cycle syncing, I have cured my recurring UTIs, am a better partner, and can more fully support my hormones. 

The best way to start cycle syncing is through diet as food has the biggest impact on our hormones. A simple way to start cycle syncing is by adding in different vegetables throughout the month that supports hormones for each phase. Here is a simple guide: 


As you start cycle syncing you will notice a profound shift in your life. Your mood will stabilize and you will gain a greater understanding of your body. You will naturally begin to work with your body instead of against it. From there you can begin to cycle-sync every area of your life including:

  •  working out - strenuous exercise during certain times of the month triggers fat storage!

  •  managing your energy

  • supporting your brain

  • planning your life in accordance with your cycle

  • understanding your sex drive

  • diving even deeper with food and supplements. 

I cover all of this plus yoga and rituals for each phase in my upcoming course Period Power! Here’s what others are saying about this course:

“My greatest takeaway from this course was the realization that I can shift the way I interact with my menstrual cycle and use that natural rhythm as a way to honor and know myself more deeply. For years, I only thought of my period as a burden, but now I am able to see it as a tool to help me cultivate my own inner wisdom and power.” - Christina H.

“Bekah is a thoughtful, knowledgeable, and delightfully approachable teacher. She skillfully creates a safe space for us to talk about some very personal and intimate subjects in this class. I found the course to be full of useful information that Bekah was able to share in a caring and informed manner. It's one of the most empowering courses I've taken in a long time and I only wish I would have learned this information earlier in life! I think this course is a must for anyone with a menstrual cycle!” - Erika H.

“I cannot tell you how mind-blowing amazing this has been. If I could buy this course for all the women in my life I would.” - Laura Q.

Next round of Period Power! Starts Monday, March 8th. You can learn more about the course and sign up here: