Standing Pigeon with Support By Leslie Howard

Standing Pigeon with Support
(Eka Pada Rajakapotasana Variation)

By Leslie Howard

Preview: This pose is more commonly practiced on the floor. But the standing variation can be more effective for the hip, as well as more accessible for folks with knee issues. It also helps keep the spine closer to neutral rather than rounding the lower back. This pose opens and lengthens the pelvic floor muscles and is a deep stretch for the hip rotators (outer hips).


• Chair or table (kitchen table height works well) • Bolster
• One to three blankets

How to Practice

  1. If using a chair, set it up so that the bolster sits across the seat of the chair the long way. Use two bolsters or enough folded blankets so that the stack is approximately the height of the hip joint.

  2. Stand in mountain pose in front of your chosen leg support (the chair with bolster, a table).

  3. Keep the left leg in mountain pose.

  4. Bend the right knee in front of the chest and turn the right femur out.

  5. Place the entire lower leg on the table or the bolster and blankets on the chair seat.  If possible, keep the knee in line with the hip socket.

  6. Keep the right shinbone parallel to the floor. If the knee is higher than the foot, place extra support under the knee. The shin and thigh of the raised leg should be as close to 90 degrees as your hip socket will allow.

  7. If you can go farther, hinge at the hips and bend forward. Keep the spine in neutral without the back rounding.

  8. Place the hands on the chair back or table surface and elongate the front of the spine as you come forward.

  9. Stay in the pose 1–2 minutes, then change sides.


  • If you experience any knee pain in the bent leg while practicing this pose, use your hand to externally rotate
    the thighbone more or put support under the outer knee. Alternatively, place a rolled up washcloth behind your knee.

  • The height of the support is determined by the height of your pelvis when standing. You can build up the table height with blankets if you are taller or stand on a yoga block if you are shorter.

  • If you are using the chair variation, you may want to wrap the bolster in a yoga mat to reduce the possibility of it slipping.
    Focused Actions

  • Strongly flex the bent-leg ankle (this helps protect the knee also), so that the outer ankle doesn’t overstretch.

  • If you bend forward bring the bent leg hamstring into the sitting bone.